User-Agent Constructor

Having well-formed user-agent strings is important for the proper functioning of the web. Make server administators happy by generating yourself a nice user-agent string, just like Requests does! The output of the user-agent generator looks like this:

>>> import requests_toolbelt
>>> requests_toolbelt.user_agent('mypackage', '0.0.1')
'mypackage/0.0.1 CPython/2.7.5 Darwin/13.0.0'

The Python type and version, and the platform type and version, will accurately reflect the system that your program is running on. You can drop this easily into your program like this:

from requests_toolbelt import user_agent
from requests import Session

s = Session()
s.headers = {
    'User-Agent': user_agent('my_package', '0.0.1')

r = s.get('')

This will override the default Requests user-agent string for all of your HTTP requests, replacing it with your own.

Adding Extra Information to Your User-Agent String

Added in version 0.5.0.

If you feel it necessary, you can also include versions for other things that your client is using. For example if you were building a package and wanted to include the package name and version number as well as the version of requests and requests-toolbelt you were using you could do the following:

import requests
import requests_toolbelt
from requests_toolbelt.utils import user_agent as ua

user_agent = ua.user_agent('mypackage', '0.0.1',
                           extras=[('requests', requests.__version__),
                                   ('requests-toolbelt', requests_toolbelt.__version__)])

s = requests.Session()
s.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent

Your user agent will now look like:

mypackage/0.0.1 requests/2.7.0 requests-toolbelt/0.5.0 CPython/2.7.10 Darwin/13.0.0

Selecting Only What You Want

Added in version 0.8.0.

While most people will find the user_agent function sufficient for their usage, others will want to control exactly what information is included in the User-Agent. For those people, the UserAgentBuilder is the correct tool. This is the tool that the toolbelt uses inside of user_agent(). For example, let’s say you only want your package, its versions, and some extra information, in that case you would do:

import requests
from requests_toolbelt.utils import user_agent as ua

s = requests.Session()
s.headers['User-Agent'] = ua.UserAgentBuilder(
        'mypackage', '0.0.1',
        ('requests', requests.__version__),

Your user agent will now look like:

mypackage/0.0.1 requests/2.7.0

You can also optionally include the Python version information and System information the same way that our user_agent function does.

class requests_toolbelt.utils.user_agent.UserAgentBuilder(name, version)

Class to provide a greater level of control than user_agent().

This is used by user_agent() to build its User-Agent string.

user_agent_str = UserAgentBuilder(
        ('requests', '2.14.2'),
        ('urllib3', '1.21.2'),

Finalize the User-Agent string.


Formatted User-Agent string.

Return type:



Include extra portions of the User-Agent.


extras (list) – list of tuples of extra-name and extra-version


Append the implementation string to the user-agent string.

This adds the the information that you’re using CPython 2.7.13 to the User-Agent.


Append the information about the Operating System.